posts from absurd

Asperger’s (colloq. Ass Burgers)

by June 19th, 2011 - Creative » Reference »

Asperger’s (colloq. Ass Burgers) An ill-fated, early competitor to the McDonald’s fast-food chain started by Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger in 1944, staffed entirely by autistic employees. Although the business filed for bankruptcy shortly after opening, Hans Asperger looked on the bright side, referring to it as a “learning experience”.

god and Me – Rapture Edition

by May 22nd, 2011 - Society »

On that fateful day, I was the very first raptured thus causing god to cancel all further rapturing as he was content with only me for all of eternity. Unfortunately…god is not enough for me… Thursday Nights, This Fall on ABC!

Today Isn’t Even Super Psycho Sexualized Caveman Synth Rock Childhood Dimension Slip Day

by May 10th, 2011 - Creative » Reference »

Today is Sugar Pop SciFi Ogre Stomp Animaus Cop Day. Change outfits accordingly…

Of Course, Of Course

by April 13th, 2011 - Creative » Witty Bit Eruptions »

Have you ever been looking at a photograph of several little dark brown puppies curled up on some hay in a barn for a long enough time that you begin considering that it’s possibly just a huge pile of horseshit…possibly from a horse that ate a litter of puppies?

The Sporadical skeptically promotes the following:
SKEPTIC Reason Penn and Teller Frank Zappa