What is The Sporadical?
Don’t touch anything that comes out of the internets…unless it smells …exactly …like …us. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…smell that smell!
The Sporadical seeks to stir the pot…randomly…with spoons mainly, but also yardsticks, cigarette butts, your loved ones, big ideas, small thoughts, and in extreme instances…our collective unconscious consciousness pinky. Additionally, we may at times also completely miss the pot…stirring with a wild, hallucinatory rage that can only be helped by continued stirring.
Blogging on the Arts of Absurdity.
A strange ugliness posted here for your enjoyment. What you’ll find will change from post to post: odd photography, comic strips that might contain humor, acceptable poetry, music that can be listened to, video that almost can’t be watched, savagely mutated gonzo journalism, satirical philosophy that helps no one, a whole new foundation of physics, half-hearted attempts at world peace, and 23 flavors of sorbet. Ideally, all of these things – chiefly the sorbet – smear together into a thick brown paste, held together by the age-old themes of ‘Creativity’, ‘Agitation’, ‘Absurdism’, and ‘Hating Babies’.
Whatever…Whenever…You Need.
Resulting from an experimental soul-resetting procedure carried out by my esteemed complete stranger Murray, we have entered unto the counter, counter, counter, counterculture. This process very nearly turns us into a Culture Club song, but instead makes us corporate again…in a good sideways kinda way. Imagine a parallel universe where plush doll versions of corporate entities, hand-sewn by grandmotherly types, are collected, semi-religiously, by fat-cheeked little cartoon squirrels at a reformed Unitarian Church of the Subgenius run by honest-to-goodness conscientious hippies. It’s like that. So it’s good…dig?
Please enjoy. In the time that lies ahead, we will steadily add more voices, more features, and a greater variety of content.
It is expressly forbidden, so if it appears to you that we have our heads up our asses…rest assured that we are simply ‘stirring outside the pot’.
Need more? Email us at info@thesporadical.com.