Film and TV

LOST Delusions

by September 10th, 2011 Culture » Film and TV » Society »

Yes. I am aware that it has been well over a year since the television series LOST wrapped up. But I have trouble letting things go, especially good things gone bad that could have been so damn good. LOST was one of those rare what-the-fuck-is-happening, magical mystery shows that combined great writing, direction, and acting […] – Keynes vs. Hayek

by August 13th, 2011 Culture » Film and TV » Politics » is the offspring of award winning video director John Papola and Russ Roberts professor of economics at George Mason University. I remember being skeptical when I saw a link to their first video, “Fear the Boom and Bust” an economic rap battle between John Maynard Keynes and F.A. Hayek, but after bopping through the […]

Monstre Hulot

by August 1st, 2011 Culture » Film and TV » Creative » Reference »

Monstre Hulot A rare 1978 french film in which auteur Jacques Tati once more takes on the role of Monsieur Hulot, this time doing battle with Dracula, the Wolfman, and Frankenstein by quietly, but comically walking around them in large modern spaces.

Captain America Review: Hydra Bob Edition

by July 27th, 2011 Culture » Film and TV »

Saw Captain America. Meh. Here’s the scene that would have taken it several notches above ‘meh’: EXT. NAZI WOODS – NIGHT We see Captain America riding his motorcycle intent on making his way to the hideout of the nefarious terrorist group, HYDRA. CUT TO: EXT. HYDRA HEADQUARTERS – NIGHT Two guards stand at the gate, […]

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