posts from group


by April 13th, 2011 - Creative » Reference »

“…right?” Largely regarded as the greatest sociology textbook covering the impetus and default nature of human conversation and group formation wherein people gather in a room, close all the doors and windows and come to a positive consensus as to the olfactory quality of their collective fart…right? You’ve heard of that new textbook “…right?”

Out of Kool-Aid

by December 27th, 2009 - Creative » Witty Bit Eruptions »

Most people have not only drank the kool-aid, they have mixed it with the sexual secretions of their brood and spread it all over their writhing bodies, infiltrating their every crease, crevice and orifice, boring out their insides until they are but a husk with only enough moisture to drool in dependent, delicious rapture.

The Sporadical skeptically promotes the following:
SKEPTIC Reason Penn and Teller Frank Zappa