posts from economics – Keynes vs. Hayek

by August 13th, 2011 - Culture » Film and TV » Politics » is the offspring of award winning video director John Papola and Russ Roberts professor of economics at George Mason University. I remember being skeptical when I saw a link to their first video, “Fear the Boom and Bust” an economic rap battle between John Maynard Keynes and F.A. Hayek, but after bopping through the […]

The Great Tastykake Sacrifice – Pork Krimpets

by January 16th, 2011 - Culture » Food » Politics »

I don’t fully understand this picture, either, and I’m the one who cobbled it together. As someone with a libertarian philosophy of government, I’m often found raining on other people’s publicly-funded parades: sports arenas, the arts, environmental programs, saving that old lady down the street from herself and all those cats, parades (literally). You’re welcome. […]

The Economy Dummy

by October 23rd, 2008 - Politics »

Before we are once more drawn into the warm wet embrace of faith in the economy, I wanted to make note of my recently evolved commonsense skepticism of economic systems. At some point in my life, I unfortunately lost my endless curiosity in subjects that lay just outside the confines of my current knowledge. One […]

A Comedy of Fiscal Errors

by October 12th, 2008 - Politics »

Like some good-old, dry Monty Python sketch. This from an Australian satire show called Newstopia, the video originally seen at Campaign for Liberty. With a spoonful of sugar to taste, better said than I can say though I’ll say it anyway… Central banking (U.S. Federal Reserve) and fiat currency are both a bit of corrupted […]

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