posts from fiction

Captain Jack is Company, Torchwood‘s a Crowd

by March 6th, 2011 - Culture » Film and TV »

In the 2005 Doctor Who episode “The Empty Child”, writer Steven Moffat created the character of Captain Jack Harkness. Played by the multi-talented John Barrowman, Harkness was a cocksure time-travelling omnisexual con-man whose sexuality was not trumpeted as some great progressive cause, but was instead just a free-wheeling reality of the character, a charismatic, impulsive […]

Caprica: Cylon Babies

by March 22nd, 2010 - Culture » Film and TV »

So far through its first season, Caprica, the prequel spin-off of Battlestar Galactica, has proven a very unique and satisfying series. Taking place on a relatively peaceful Caprica, around the same time as the invention of the Cylons, but well before their cataclysmic wars with humanity, the series is filled with so many of its […]

The Record Plays

by January 14th, 2010 - Creative » Witty Bit Eruptions »

The record pauses and skips and emits a note it was never meant to play, forcing us into that fleeting groove, closed over, a neutered consciousness waiting for another odd, crackled gasp that may never come.

The Concubine

by January 10th, 2010 - Creative » Writing »

We hear a muddled voice, speaking in rhythm and de facto secrecy, repeating…memorized lines…a religious act…or an act of mild mannered madness. Blues and greys fading to black fill the blanks of the walls, a small white bed somewhere in center. A Victorian nonchalance hangs in the air as it does in her hair, brunette […]

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