posts from libertarianism

Make Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Your Parents’ Republicans

by May 31st, 2011 - Politics »

Here’s a new way to think of libertarianism for those who are more strictly progressive and not willing to make the leap themselves: Work your entrenched Republican relatives and other relations to consider Ron Paul and/or Gary Johnson for the Republican presidential nominee instead of the bible thumping warmongers that have been the mainstay of […]

The Libertarian Socialist – Up With People and Down on None

by March 24th, 2010 - Politics »

It may well be true that very many self-described libertarians tend to be of a such a stubborn independent bent that they themselves might suffer from their aversion to community. However, adopting the life of a cane-shaking, iconoclastic hermit is not necessary of or necessarily connected to the philosophy of libertarianism. Libertarianism is not a […]

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