posts from trap

The Record Plays

by January 14th, 2010 - Creative » Witty Bit Eruptions »

The record pauses and skips and emits a note it was never meant to play, forcing us into that fleeting groove, closed over, a neutered consciousness waiting for another odd, crackled gasp that may never come.

SAW – Seen

by December 3rd, 2008 - Culture » Film and TV »

For kicks and giggles, I’ve recently started watching the SAW film series. Um…it’s OK. This much I know: Cary Elwes is wasted as he should have at least once responded to the villain’s insane requests with a flippant “As you wish…” Danny Glover is the worst cop…ever…even worse than other cops he’s portrayed…just terrible. The […]

The Sporadical skeptically promotes the following:
SKEPTIC Reason Penn and Teller Frank Zappa