posts from marijuana

Make Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Your Parents’ Republicans

by May 31st, 2011 - Politics »

Here’s a new way to think of libertarianism for those who are more strictly progressive and not willing to make the leap themselves: Work your entrenched Republican relatives and other relations to consider Ron Paul and/or Gary Johnson for the Republican presidential nominee instead of the bible thumping warmongers that have been the mainstay of […]

Kristin Davis for Governor for Fuck’s Sake

by November 2nd, 2010 - Politics »

Most elections, I’ll just find libertarian candidates who appear principally legit and put a check next to their names and leave the rest of the ballot blank. I’ll be doing the same this Tuesday except for Governor of New York. From what I’ve seen, Warren Redlich is a fine Libertarian candidate, but Kristin Davis, the […]

Gym to Gym High School Vault Heist Pink Hair Marijuana Treasure Through 70s Cops and Beatles

by March 18th, 2010 - Creative » Writing »

JTK’s Dream Diary – March 16, 2010 Bright white beams of light shine off similarly colored walls, contrasting with the grey green rubber mud of the floor and the machines as last call is called in this letdown fitness center of my dreams. I scurry, as seems normal procedure, through a small square tunnel lined […]

The Sporadical skeptically promotes the following:
SKEPTIC Reason Penn and Teller Frank Zappa